Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 22

So ‘Free Day’ was today and this marks the third one of our BFL challenge. The first one was awesome and I didn’t gain a pound. Last week’s was a disaster in terms of the type of food and amounts I consumed. Today was not bad at all, we went to the Silver Dinner again, like last week, but this time I ate a bit more conservative and had only one bite of dessert.
I did eat more than normal, but don’t think I overdid it like last week for sure!
 We also took progress pictures this morning and posted on the picture page. We took measurements for the first time and both Jen and I have lost significant amounts of inches in key areas. Jen has lost around 5 inches around her waist while I have lost 4.  Jen also lost another pound this week while the scale didn’t move much for me…like none : ) I’m not worried about the scale though…the pictures show a major change, our clothes feel looser and we feel tremendous. I’m not sure if I’ll lose much more weight anyhow, I’m already looking pretty lean and as I gain muscle and burn off the fat I think I may stay around the same overall weight. That would actually be fine for me.
The last time I tried to lose weight and ‘get fit’ I got down to 153lbs and still seemed like I had fat to burn…I would like to not have to get that low. I hope by me not overdoing it I can save my muscle and just burn off the fat…that’s the plan anyways!
Well…I still have some school work to catch up on tonight so good night and sleep well!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 21

Today was a busy, busy day…the kids had brazilian jiu jitsu and then we went to the YMCA to work out and then we ended up at the mall. I forgot just how long a women can spend inside Old Navy : ) I thought I was going to starve before we made it home, but I withstood the dreaded mall food court and enjoyed a nice salad when we finally arrived back home…ok, actually I devoured the salad, but sill it was nice : )
Our workout went pretty good, we decided to do another cycle type – speed workout hitting more muscle groups, and all was going good until other people showed up and started interrupting our flow…hate that! Anyway, we prevailed and ended up being really intense!
I’m actually looking forward to tomorrows ‘Free Day,’ I’m not craving anything bad food wise, but I feel like my body could really use the rest and recovery!
~Sleep well~

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 20

OMGoodness…we were running short of time tonight so decided to step it up and try a new crossfit style workout with a twist. We ran for 2 minutes on the treadmill, then jumped off and did bicep curls, then did shoulder presses, then did shoulder lateral raises (front and side), then we did triceps extensions and dips, then repeated the whole thing for a total of 5 sets!!! Yeah, we were some huffin and puffin peoples running around our living room. Joshua, our 11 year old, did it with us and he was so cool…I love watching him grow up and he really pushes himself. I was the proud Daddy : )
Jen actually did awesome too! We had fun, but it was intense and when we were finished…we were finished…workout and cardio, complete! I liked it A LOT!!! We might start to try and do more of those type of workouts…I really like the speed and intensity.
One blog I follow encourages workouts like this too…I think it rocks! Read about it here!
Anyway…till tomorrow, keep rockin on!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 19

So I finally decided to suck it up and get up early. I actually ALWAYS wake up early, but usually go back to sleep. Jen, my lovely wife, wakes up at 4am on PT days and 5:30am on non-PT days…I normally roll over kiss her and fall back to sleep. This was not always the case, I use to wake up with her, have a cup of coffee and then start my day…’kid free’ for a couple of hours. Lately though because we have been getting to bed so late, I’ve been sleeping in!
Hopefully today’s early rise reset my internal clock and I can get back to me early schedule…I really NEED that ME time!!! Needles to say…I been one tired cookie all day long! I did manage to get in 30+ minutes of cardio cause well…that’s just how I roll : )
We’ll see how tomorrow morning goes!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 18

Today I did another long run on the treadmill and felt great! Though I primarily do HIIT cardio, I sometimes like to do a long run just to mix things up. We also got in a nice chest and back workout at the fitness center where we live. Overall another great day…nutrition is spot on and couldn’t feel better. School is the biggest stressor in my life right now. There just never seems to be the right (quite) time for me to get my assignments completed. I have got to work out a better schedule. I would like to get up earlier in the mornings to do my work, I used to do this, but lately it just hasn’t worked that way. The problem is we are getting to bed so late. 4 kids, school and life we’ll do that : )
Still, I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world!
It’s not the prize or the destination that matters to me; it’s the journey!
Enjoy yours!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 17

Another wonderful, blessed day in Body-for-Life land!
 Today was cardio day and I did an awesome job and really pushed it! Jen is getting ready to get hers in. We had to run by the store for a few things so getting a late start. Hopefully we can get to bed at a decent hour tonight. I have a paper I need to finish up tomorrow for school and would like to get up early and get started on it BEFORE the kids get up…after they wake it gets really hard to get any school work done on my end.
On the extreme and maybe insane end of my craziness…I signed up for a Crossfit seminar today!!! I’m excited and scared all at the same time. I know I want to do something with fitness as a career and Crossfit is one of the fastest growing fitness phenomenons right now. Once I conquer my own-personal fitness goals through Body-for-Life, I hope to one day take ALL the knowledge I learn from BFL and open up my own ‘Crossfit affiliate.’ The first step in order to do this is you have to be a Level 1 certified Crossfit Trainer. Soooo, In December I’ll be going to the seminar and at the end taking the test to be certified. The crazy thing is I’ve never even been to a crossfit facility : ) I watch the video’s and have tried some of the workouts, but that’s about it for my experience : ) I am determined though and determination will get me started and heart will carry me through!!!  
All the way!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 16

We just got back from the YMCA where we had a great upper body workout. Today I felt hung-over from all the carb loading I did yesterday. I know now not to overdo it next time : ) It was a nice day yesterday, but a bit too much ‘sugar’!!!
Feel much better now though and glad to be back at it! School is really stressing me at the moment. Jen and I both started back and between homeschooling our kid’s, taking our own classes, working out and ‘living’ life…it can get quite hectic.
I’m so blessed to be married to my best friend. We’ve had our struggles before just like any couple, but after 13 years we are finally settling down into a peaceful place in our relationship. It’s not been easy by no means, but worth it by ALL means. 
Keep working hard!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 15

Can you say ‘free day’ escapade!!!
Today was AWESOME…
We usually just have a free meal or don’t overdo it, but today I think we were borderline on purely shocking our bodies! TRUST me, my body is in no way going through starvation mode now : )
  Today marks our first 2 weeks on the Body-for-Life challenge and we took photos and weighed in. Jen is down 2.8lbs for the week and 9.8 total lbs for the first 2 weeks of the challenge. I am down 2lbs for the week and 11.8 total lbs for the first 2 weeks of challenge. We are feeling GREAT and really enjoyed our ‘free day’ today! We took the family out for breakfast this morning at a restaurant that uses organic and local food and then headed to a pick-your-own farm where we loaded up own some delicious apples and a few pumpkins. It was a GREAT time and was super nice to just relax. Tomorrow we will back at it and hitting it harder than ever!!!
Overall wonderful day!

Two week Progress pics posted on the 'Challenge progress photo page' located on the left side of blog page
God bless!


Joshua and Harvest

Daddy and the Boys

Mommy and Nehemiah

Joshua picking an apple

The Smith Kids

Rob and Jen

What NOT to order : )


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 14

Today was busy, busy…got a nice workout in, but half way through Harvest, our 6 year old daughter which has Type 1 diabetes blood sugar went low. Sometimes she drops like that and we have to ALWAYS have a carbohydrate available. The childcare is at the YMCA, but in another building. She has a phone and knows the symptoms when her sugar goes low. She called me and asked if we had something for her to eat and we rushed over and checked her blood sugar. It was low, not scary low, but low enough we had to give her something. She was and is fine, but we decided to go ahead and cut our work-out a bit short. It was almost time to stop anyway…
Still I hate when her blood sugar goes low and HATE that she has to struggle with this disease. I love her so much and she is so very special to ALL of us!!! She is one of the main reasons Jen and I started eating healthy and exploring exercise in the first place…Harvest has helped change our whole family dynamic and placed us all on the right path to a healthy and fulfilling life!

Harvest actually LOVES Myoplex shakes and they are really the perfect ratio for her : )  
Other than that we had to pick up some items from a lady Jen works with and had to pick up a few groceries. Jen and I both just finished Cardio about an hour or so ago and she is doing homework…Joshua, Harvest and I are watching UFC 121…Late here on the East Coast, but we’ll persevere!!!
Tomorrow we will find out our 2 week results …we will take pictures and do measurements.  We missed last week so decided to just do them every 2 weeks. After that we are taking the family out for breakfast at the Silver Diner, which uses organic and local sourced items on their menu when possible. The kids love it there and it will be our ‘free day’ – ‘free meal’. We then plan to go to a pick-your-own apple orchard located in Northern Maryland.
Alright…the fights await!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 13

Made it to the Y again and had another awesome lower body workout!!! Afterwards we were going to do the rowing machine for cardio, but the gym was free so we tried our first official Crossfit style ‘cardio’ workout…WOW…that’s ALL I can say…when I was finished I could barely breath and couldn’t talk! Joshua and Jen couldn’t quite finish, but put in a valiant effort!!!
It is definitely some SERIOUS cardiovascular work! Anyway, we are back at home now. We had to run by Target and load up on some more Myoplex and EAS AdvantEDGE shakes
The kids have their brazilian jiu jitsu class tomorrow morning and then were off to the Y again!!!
Keep working hard…it pays off!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 12

Yes!!! What a day…Jen got off early and we went to the Y and KICKED some serious BUTT!!!
Best arm workout yet…I was so pumped and could hardly move my arms when we were finished. Finishing up the day with some cardio, I just did 35 minutes and Jen is on the treadmill as I write this. I am feeling so amazing and light inside! The last couple of days  have been a bit stressful trying to get us all on the same page and schedule…add in everyday life situations and yeah, stress! Today everything came together and it was a beautiful thing : ) I love it when a plan comes together…
Tomorrow is Friday and then the weekend…can’t wait!
                        Daddy's Girl's

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 11

Just got back from the YMCA a little bit a go…AWESOME workout!!! I love working out at the Y cause there is so many more options than when we exercise at home. It was a bit stressful trying to get ALL 4 kids ready and out the door and then Hadassah didn’t want to stay at the daycare so that was even more stress, but we made it and I took it all out on the weights!
Feeling great and still focused! Almost decided to do some extra cardio this morning, but fought back the desire…don’t want to over-train…I still think sometimes it would be okay, but still trying to find that balance. Being a ‘stay at home’ dad I always feel like I’m not doing enough, exercise wise, that is. All I know is right now, what I’m doing is working…and that’s what it’s all about!
Maybe next week I’ll add in some extra cardio and see how I feel… “ : )
All the best!!!

"When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a hundred or a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in more ways than physical. Is it raining? That doesn't matter. Am I tired? That doesn't matter, either. Then will power will be no problem." -Emil Zatopek

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 10

One thing I have learned through my times of trying to get fit is to prepare for the unexpected cause the unexpected is bound to happen at times. Today was one of those times…we had planned on hitting the Y this afternoon, but time did not permit. So, we improvised and did cardio at home. Actually got in a great workout and felt great! I made up my own hybrid version of the Body-for-Life HIIT cardio plan and it worked well! I seem to be leaning out pretty quick this time for some reason…we have done MANY challenges, but never finished one, and it usually takes weeks to see results.
This time though I think slowing down and actually doing it ‘close’ to the designed plan is working. I always tend to ‘overdo’ things in my life and training has not been exempt. I always tended to over-train…I would lift weights nearly every day AND do tons of cardio! I think this is one of the many reasons I never finished a challenge…BURN OUT! Well, not this time…I am taking it slow and listening to my body. I WILL push my limits and I WILL push the intensity, but I will not over do it. This has to be something that is sustainable for life…and cardio and weights EVERDAY is just too much…I realize that now.
So, when the unexpected happens like today…I roll with it knowing tomorrow is a new day…results will come with proper training, plenty of rest and less stress!!!
Bring it!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 9

Today was another awesome day…got in a great leg and back workout this afternoon and eating has been spot on!!! I was really surprised when I weighed this morning to find out I didn’t gain anything during my free day. Great news…means I didn’t over do it and the weight loss was a REAL loss and not just superficial!!!
Body-for-Life Rocks!!!


Change your life starting TODAY!!!

Join the challenge...follow along...get results!

YOU can do this!!!


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 8 ~ Free day~

So today we did our official 1 week weigh-in and the results are amazing!!!
Jen weighed in at 154.6 that’s a loss of 7 pounds!!! I weighed-in at 164.4 pounds a loss of 9.8 pounds!!! We had intended on doing measurements and taking pictures, but forgot this morning so we will do tomorrow or the next day!
The best news is that we are feeling great and our eating and exercise has been something sustainable that we can do for a lifetime!
Free day went really well also…we mainly ate clean…other than half a muffin and quite a bit of cheese from our favorite cheese makers at the farmers market. There was also a huge apple sale at the farmer’s market… soooo, it was cheese, bread, muffins and apples!
The best find of the day ended up being this HUGE 3.5 pound grass fed sirloin steak that we bought, took home and grilled!!! OMGoodness…this is TRULY how meat is supposed to taste!!!
All in all a wonderful and well needed restful day!!!
Hittin it hard tomorrow!!!

Apples everywhere>
Joshua and his apple cider (homemade)
Jen caught with a muffin : )
Ok, i ate half...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 7

We had a good workout at the Y today although yours truly had the daycare time wrong and ended up with only 30 minutes to do our WHOLE workout!
We did it though and pushed hard. I also decided to do a long run when I got home and ran 62 minutes on the treadmill for a total of 6.5 miles and over 1,000 calories burned! Wow…can’t believe I did that, but at 40 minutes I was like…whatever…I can do anything for 20 minutes and ran 20 more! My goal was to do 5 miles and kicked that in the butt!!!

Tomorrow is our free day-free meal and we are heading to the farmers market and



Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 6

Today was awesome!!! Jen had the day off and we renewed our YMCA membership and just got back from a great workout! We also went and bought some groceries from Whole Foods today…I LOVE Whole Foods!!!
Drinking a Myoplex as I write this and feeling GREAT!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Goal revisions

So, I’m like the King of setting goals to keep me focused. For this challenge I had set a goal of doing 500 pushups/air squats/mountain climbers 5 days a week. Why? Well, I am a stay at home Dad, home school two of our 4 children and am finishing my BS Degree in Psychology online. This means I spend a lot of time on the computer and I was worried about becoming to sedentary. However, after a few days I have decided to revise my goal to doing 500 of only ONE of the three exercises instead of trying to do all three. 1500 reps of any exercise is rough, but doing that 5 days a week on top of normal cardio and strength training is borderline overdoing it I fear.
So, new plan is this: twice a week I will do 500 pushups.  Twice a week I will do 500 air squats and twice a week I will do 500 mountain climbers. This will give me a total of 1000  reps each week of each exercise…I can ‘live ‘with and achieve this goal without overdoing it : )
This is of course on top of everything else I do!!!
~God Bless~

Day 5

Sweet Bliss…Sleep, sweet sleep!!!
Finally…8 hours of sleep and oh how wonderful it feels! I was so exhausted yesterday that I did not even attempt my scheduled upper body workout…I am NOT one to do nothing though so I did some cardio before bed and actually felt great! I did 10 minutes of HIIT and 10 of steady run…reminded me of how much I use to love steady runs…
Today…wow, feels so awesome to wake after a full nights rest! I prayed last night, moved the mattress to the floor and took a Unisom in hopes of something working : ) I’m putting my money on Yahweh : ) Either way I am soooo thankful…funny how something as simple as a nights rest can make such a difference! Today I have scheduled yesterday’s workout and may get in some more cardio as well!
"Winning is not normal and those who constantly win follow an ‘abnormal’ path. The discipline, dedication and sacrifices are incomprehensible to those thousands standing outside, looking in, who are capable of joining the winning team, yet unwilling to pay the price of admission. Winners win in a fair effort, on a level playing field; because they deserve to win... they willingly pay their dues in full, time after time, after time."
From G. Porter Freeman’s week 1 challenge guide:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 4

Sleep eludes me…and I’m starting to feel the effects! In bed by 9pm last night and laid there till 4am before falling asleep, slept one hour then woke up…fell back asleep at 6, slept till 8!!! OMGoodness…I don’t know what to do, I am miserable and not sure if I can make it to do today’s workout…not sure if there is enough coffee in the house : ) I’ve Goggled insomnia and seems to be pretty common…hope tonight goes better!
Yesterday went well despite my tiredness. I had a great cardio workout and so did Jen. Did not quite get in 6 meals, but that’s no big deal…still spread them out and was not too hungry. We are going to the farmers market this weekend and it’s one of, if not, our most favorite thing to do!!!  

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Beginning Video

Day 3

                  Yesterday was another AWESOME day in BFL land other than I was SOOO tired! I’m not sure if anyone else has had this problem, but I have had the worse time falling asleep! I’m either having to get up and go to the bathroom due to ALL the water I’ve been drinking or my mind is racing with a thousand different exercises-food combos and anything else BFL related : )

  Anyhow, I’ve ended up with only 4-5 hours of sleep the last 3 nights…last night I actually got 6 , but had to sleep a little later to get that! Either way….yesterday it caught up with me= the upper body workout (chest-back) on Saturday and then the killer Cardio on Sunday (with no sleep) come yesterday (with no sleep) I did not feel like I could move! My whole body was ONE BIG sore muscle : ) That being said…I pushed through and Jen and I did our Biceps and Triceps! It ended up being a wonderful workout and I am glad I did not give in to the tiredness and fatigue!
    I am really big on setting weekly goals…Jen usually says that I sometimes set unrealistic goals, but I am very goal driven. We set our first week weight goal on Sunday and on day 3 we are already only 1 pound from meeting it!!! That weight loss is a far second in comparison to how we both are feeling though! One of the biggest joys is sitting and watching our children eating healthy again! The last few meals the kids said, “Wow, this is SOOO good,” they have missed eating healthy as much as we have. They don’t have the choice like we do, it’s my responsibility to make sure there is healthy-nutritious food for the kids and NOW there is and they are LOVIN IT!!! Every choice-every decision trickles down through the family---I’m glad I’m making healthy ones now! My kids deserve the BEST!

So, last night when I couldn’t sleep I was thinking, this is going to be the GREATEST Challenge Ever!!! Jen and I have tried this SOOO many times and have never ever succeeded in completing 12 weeks. I was trying to figure out why and go over the patterns in my head so as to not allow the same thing to happen and I have figured out that we were NEVER truly ready mentally. I would be ready and she wouldn’t or vice versa. It was always some type of mental block and then this year we actually were ready and at a point in our life to succeed when the physical aspect finally got in the way. Her pregnancy complications and broke toe, shoulder and knee injury on my part…crazy! Now…we are injury free for the most part AND mentally READY!!! We have ALL the resources we need, the best support team and NO Excuses!!!


Day 2

Soooo, day one is in the books and WOW…I am soooo sore right now! We actually worked out Saturday before starting our ‘official’ challenge and I’m still feeling it! I cannot begin to say how much better it feels mentally to be eating healthier and exercising again! Last night we did our first cardio session in over two months and I was so hurting-gasping for breath and ashamed at how much I had let myself go!!! Use to I could fly through the cardio HIIT workouts…last night, I thought I was dying, literally! Afterwards I sat on the couch and told Jen that if I died to make sure she turn off my bath water : )
Today, I sit here with a EAS protein shake typing this and though I’m sore, tired and exhausted….I’m happier than I have been in months!!! I’m not sure what is different about this challenge, but I know this is our year…this is the FIRST challenge we WILL complete, and this is the first challenge that we WILL win!!!! I already feel like a winner!!!!

The shake I’m drinking is one of my favorites… 1 scoop of EAS 100% vanilla protein powder, 1 TBl of all natural peanut butter, 2 -3 TBL of steel cut oats(pre-cooked with RAW honey and cinnamon-placed in fridge)  8 oz of COLD spring water! This shake is delicious, filling and has the perfect ration of healthy fats, protein and complex carbohydrates!

Have a GREAT week-God bless!


We are the Smith Family

My name is Robert and my wife is Jennifer!

      We are Rob and Jen...married for thirteen years; we have 4 wonderful children! We have been so blessed, but really need to make some healthy changes so not take our blessings for granted. I am currently a stay at home Dad who home-schools our children and just completed my Associates Degree in Psychology. I will be going back soon to get my Bachelors. Jennifer is in the Military and stationed at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington DC.

         I weighed over 200 lbs at the start of this year and have lost close to 40 pounds. We just had our 4th child in

February and are struggling with getting those last pounds off and having a ‘total’ transformation!   I hope to lose some body fat and gain some muscle, Jen needs to lose about 30 more pounds. She has already lost 50 pounds following the Body-for-Life principles and workouts.
    We have tried Body-for-Life in the past with great results, but never actually entered the challenge. This is our year! We are committed to success and will stop at nothing less! We are determined to succeed with the help of God, a lot of hard work and all of your wonderful support!  We also plan on having lots of fun along the way!!!

We are started our challenge on October 10, 2010 and will finish on January 1, 2011.

    Our 6 year old daughter has Type 1 diabetes, so it is important for us to live a nutritious and healthy life as an example to her. It’s not just about us anymore…we have a lot at stake! I am so thankful for the people at EAS and Abbott for the chance at this opportunity and look forward to going on this journey with all of you here!

Everything we do, we do as a family…so come along on our journey and celebrate our success!!!

God Bless!
~Rob and Jen~