Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2 NO Coffee

Another great day today!

Jen on the treadmill...

Got more sleep than normal and felt energized most of the day. We have started over the last two days to try and wing ourselves from coffee…so far so good! I drank green tea with RAW honey this morning and throughout the day. I normally have anywhere from 1 to 5 cups of coffee in the morning times, but HATE the crash! I had started having my normal 1-2 cups in the morning and then 1 or 2 in the afternoon and sometimes even at night we would have 1…not good and from what I’ve been reading coffee can stunt fat loss. So, green tea it is for a while…maybe on ‘free day’ we’ll have some : )
Also cut way back on dairy, haven’t completely gone dairy free like some people on the Palo diet, but I have cut back quite a bit. One of the biggest changes has been with vitamins. We watched the movies ‘Food Matters’ and ‘The Beautiful Truth’ the other night and they were both really amazing and informative movies. I’ve decided to up my vitamin intake…especially of vitamin C and niacin (vitamin B3). I feel more energetic and hope to feel less stressful as time goes on!
Well, things are running WAY behind tonight and I hope we can get to bed before it gets much later!
Sleep well!

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