Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 54

I finally feel like or Body-for-Life challenge is back on track. We got in another short, but effective, workout tonight. I hate that we have missed SO many workouts, but we have been really successful in our efforts and mentality this challenge. I count the times we have tried to complete a challenge and have yet to totally finish! Not this time…Am I disappointed that we couldn’t get in EVERY workout or missed the perfect meal now and then, yes, of course I am, but this is a lifestyle change for us and not some fad diet, nor is it just about winning the prize!

The journey is the best reward thus far and I have truly enjoyed every minute of it!!!
 I will stand tall by my beautiful wife in a few weeks and take those final after pictures knowing we have made tremendous progress and completely changed our lives. We are on the road, well on the road, to a blissful, wonderful, healthy life! There is no going back and it will only get better from here! So, call it the foundation challenge or beginning challenge or whatever…we have ALL year to get that perfect body and a whole lifetime to maintain it! This is only the first of many challenges we have planned this year and who knows…we still have 4 weeks and a lot of positive changes can take place in 4 weeks : )
Sleep wonderfully tonight and be thankful for all those who support you!

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