Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 18...Say 'YES', to freedom of choice!

So the Farmers Market was a real let down today! The prices were outrageous, very little produce and just not much fun!!! I guess it’s still a bit early in the season, but hopefully it will get better soon! Tomorrow Jen has the day off and we are going to the Capital to a Rally in support of the Farmer where we get all our RAW milk, grass-fed beef and other products. It should be somewhat fun and entertaining for the kids if nothing else. The FDA has raided his farm and is trying to shut down our Co-Op. Crazy in my opinion…I know a lot of people have opinions about RAW milk, but my take on it is that it all boils down to ‘freedom of choice’!
If you don’t want to drink RAW milk then don’t, but if I wish to, then don’t stop me! It’s my right and choice.
Anyway, today was busy, stressful and the weather sucked! I had tons of school work, as did Jen and I just finished up mine…she is still in there working on hers! So, long day and night…
Took pictures today and not much change, seems this week has been a real struggle overall. I’m not sure why, we had some Awesome workouts and cardio, but just didn’t seem to culminate to the happy ending I had thought it would! Anyway, a friend reminded me that this is NOT just for 12 weeks and that this is for LIFE…so I need to get out of that race mentality and ‘just relax’  ; )))) I’m trying : )
So today, No workouts or cardio today even though I had planned on doing some cardio! I know tomorrow will be busy as well, but I PROMISE I will be making time to work out cause if I don’t work out I’m not a happy camper and if Daddy isn’t happy…well, doesn’t make for a happy house!
Till tomorrow, be blessed!

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