Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 31...she's a Ninja

Another AWESOME, KICK BUTT Day! Jen, my wonderful wife is SO amazing…she did her first squat cleans today and ROCKED IT!!! She became comfortable with the uncomfortable : )))
She really did awesome! So, yeah…everything is going great here, no storms, although they were predicted so we changed our plans to stay home : ( Anyway, plans to hit one of our favorite local farms…pick your own strawberries are ripe : ))))) Whooohoooo…we be going through some berries with 4 kids who all eat pretty much fruit at every meal!
So, Transformation Challenge is going Great too, on day 3 of that and so far so good!
Blessings to you alL

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 30...wooop-wooop

 Another great day here in Smith land!!! Had a GREAT workout today and enjoyed some wonderful family time!!! Quick post tonight cause I’m off to bed so I can get up early and do it aLLLL again!  I tried leaving comments on Blogger today, but it wouldn’t let me so for Noelle and anyone wondering about the new challenge it can be found at: Transformation Challenge...If you sign up let me know so I can friend you!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 29...2 challenges : )

Another great day…Found a new challenge to start at…it’s for 8 weeks and a trip to Hawaii is the grand prize…that would be nice, but whatever can keep me motivated is what I really need. Between the BFL and challenges…I should be a lean-mean-machine before too much longer : )))
Anyway, super tired…Jens computer got a virus and her school and Joshua’s home school documents are on there…NOT GOOD!!! I think we got it fixed, praise God, but a good reminder to buy an external hard drive. Also, took most of the night : (
Sooo, taking my butt to bed!
Sleep well!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 28...great day : )

Another great day today…
One of Jen’s friends from basic training has been visiting for a couple of days and it’s been a really nice time. She even did a WOD with Jen and Joshua today! 
She had to take her back to the airport tonight and all is going well...
Jen has to go back to work tomorrow, but after that has another 4 days off…woop-wooop!!! She has a hernia that the doctors found after Nehemiah was born and she has been putting off having the surgery to after our challenge, but looks like we will be getting orders soon and the doctor called today and said they could go ahead and work her in…if she goes through with it then that would be the end of her challenge as she won’t be able to exercise for 6 weeks. She has to have the hernia surgery and have her tubes tied at the same time. She has a uterine window and her and the baby could die if she gets pregnant again…soooo, I told her if they could go ahead and do it, then she probably should just do it.
 Her safety has to come first. She’ll know in a week or less what the plan is.
Till then we’ll keep hitting it hard and I’ll finish up either way!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 27...Back

Ran a 5K today on the treadmill with 1.5 incline and after walking for the first minute I kicked it up and finished in 24:35…sweat pouring off me and a smile on my face!!! Feels SOOO GOOD to be back exercising again…maybe the couple days break actually did me good. At least my heads back where it needs to be and I’m/we’re going to kick butt the rest of this challenge!!!
Wooop Wooop!
Be blessed!

Day 26...Spring/Summer cleaning

Today we spent doing a much needed deep cleaning of our apartment! Jen is off for a few days this week so decided to take advantage of the time and get the cleaning done!

No workouts other than the extreme cardio/clean : ) Our nutrition was spot on though and already feeling like we’re back in the game  : )))
Tomorrow we'll be on it hard and heavy!

Can't wait!



Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 25...Rest and Recovery

Today was rest and recovery from the wild day we had yesterday. The ‘Warrior Dash’ was a blast and I had a ton of fun running the race. It was WAY more difficult than I had expected and I did not properly hydrate so I was hurting most of the race, but being the Ninja that I am I grabbed suck and carried on!!!
We did indulge in a bit of alcohol, but nothing too bad. I had one beer at after the race and Jen had two. We did have a few more drinks after getting home and stayed up pretty late…our diet wasn’t as nutritious as it could have been either, it was however, our first REAL official ‘free day’ in Body-for-Life terms. I do have some regret as I had planned on completing the 12 week challenge without alcohol, but I made the choice and will live with it.
Tomorrow we will get up and hit it hard, jumping right back in! There is no more re-starts…this is about more than just 12 weeks…this is for LIFE…so we have to have to be honest with ourselves and have a feasible-working plan that we can actually live with. We’ve decided that alcohol is not inherently bad, but it has caused a lot of problems in our past and has derailed most all our challenge attempts. So, that being realized we are not going to go back to the usual ‘free day drink fest’ we use to have. If a special event comes up where alcohol is involved then was may have a drink or two, other than that we will try our best to stay the course and finish strong. This way we are not setting ourselves up for failure and at the same time we are not letting ourselves get out of control.
To me is all about taking responsibility of our lives in every aspect; health, fitness and all parts. Life is a process and Jen and I continue to grow and lean throughout this process. A friend reminded me that if nothing else, our kids are worth us giving our best. Our best would not be drinking all the time, but our best may also not be totally abstaining to the point of feeling like we have no control of our life. What ever our 'best' is...this IS what we truly want to give...we are learning. Maybe the stronger-more controlled life woul be to totally not drink...
Time will tell…so I regret that if I had chosen NOT to drink yesterday…I would have eaten better today and most assuredly have worked out. Otherwise, I don’t regret the choice, because I woke up…not depressed and ready to continue the journey : ))) I guess not everyday can be perfect and its hard sometimes for me to admit and accept my own imperfections.
Another life lesson!
Many blessings!

Day 24...Warrior Dash


Friday, May 20, 2011

Day day part 2

Somewhat of a trying day, but not going to let it get me down, we’ve come too far to turn back now! Anyway, tomorrow is the ‘Warrior Dash’ and Jen and I will be there having a blast!!! Babysitter is set and it will be our second, ‘sorta date’ in 4 years : )
Today I finally took a rest day and didn’t run or do a WOD…I did work on my handstand pushups and snatch, overhead squats and cleans…what? I really can’t just sit here : )
Well, off to try and sleep…I’m soooo pumped about tomorrow!!!
Many blessings!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day day : )

Kicked butt today, Wooopwoop… so, it was/is rest day for us but I couldn’t stand it and ended up running 7 miles on the treadmill : ))) I think running those longer runs have begun to be my little place of solitude…I put on the headphones and just put one foot in front of the other. Sooo much fun!
Jen had training so she got home a bit late so she took a break from all exercise today and Joshua and I grilled out some juicy grass-fed beef and goat burgers…I’ll confess I had my second piece of bread in the form of 1 whole grain bun, but it was worth it and I’ll live with my decision : ) The goat burger was surprisingly juicy and delish! We also made sweet potato salad…boiled some cut up sweet potatoes, drained, added organic mayo, dill pickle relish from our Amish farmer, red onion and sea salt and pepper…totally AWESOME!!! Rain off and on most of the day, but overall a wonderful time!
So, Jen and I both hit milestones this morning as well…she weighed in at a slim 149 and I hit the 159 mark!!! NO looking back!
Been a great week and the weekend is going to be even better!!!
Rockin this challenge

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 21....Three weeks down!

So day 21 today…THREE whole weeks into our Body-for-Life challenge and feeling absolutely wonderful!!! Truly so blessed to be doing this and for all the new and wonderful friends we are making!
Last night a friend gave me a pair of Military Revision sun glasses and I was trying them on when Joshua took a picture of me. I was looking at it today and it really put things in perspective for me…I can see a lot of physical changes and in ONLY three weeks. The physical changes though can’t come close to how I feel on the inside. I’m learning to relax and enjoy the journey. I’ve laid down the alcohol and decided to believe in myself! I’m giving my best and I think my best is going to actually be enough for once!
And my wife…Oh my Goodness…she is my hero and totally amazing! She yells, cusses and screams at me most every WOD we do, but and a BIG but…she does it!!! She pulls it together somewhere between round 2 and 5 and blows it out of the water and she is melting before my eyes!!! Sooo AMAZING! We are going to do this and I hope and pray we actually WIN this 2011 year Body-for-Life couples challenge!!! What an amazing end to a long, fought journey that would be : ))) And truly…not an end, but a beginning!
Picture from last on left is day 1 three weeks ago and the other is from last night

Many blessings!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 20...Jen's new bar...Yey : )

Jen with her new Bella Bar-

 Jen doing Burpees...

Jen’s new bar got here today and she got to break it in…we did 3 rounds for time of: Run 400 meter/ 10 thrusters/ 10 bar-facing burpees/ 30 sit-ups   Rob- 16:57.1     Jen- 27:22.13   (Rob 83lbs)   (Jen 53lbs)
It was a tough workout and felt good to be sweating : ) Other than that today has been relatively calm…I am learning to relax and just let the changes happen. I woke up this morning and had dropped 3 lbs…(I know I said I was going to put the scale away, but I didn’t) Anyway, Jen had dropped 1 so I know we are on the right track. Funny how one day can make a difference, I’m not sure if it was the run, the nutrition or maybe the rest we took the day before, it just all came together at once!
It just goes to show me that I can’t let the scale be the judge because even when it wasn’t moving apparently something was happening. So, we are excited about the changes and that we are finally doing this!
I have to say it feels GREAT!!!
Many blessings!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 19..Milk, it does a body good : )

So the Freedom for Farm and RAW milk Rally went really well! Lots of people showed up and the weather was beautiful!!! The kids had a blast and there was even a Cow there…lol! Funny, they milked the cow right there at the Capital and drank the milk : )))

Afterwards we had to actually go pick up our milk and other goodies from the farm at our drop site and then we came home and both Jen and I ran a 5K @ incline level 2…she ran hers in 30:19 and I finished up at 24:13 : ) Great run!!!
Tomorrow we will hit a HARD-FUN workout…I ordered Jen a Women’s Bella bar from Rouge fitness and some new bumper plates : ) See I love my wife! They will be here tomorrow and so she can break them in!
So, finished school early so I’m off to RELAX : )
Be Blessed!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 18...Say 'YES', to freedom of choice!

So the Farmers Market was a real let down today! The prices were outrageous, very little produce and just not much fun!!! I guess it’s still a bit early in the season, but hopefully it will get better soon! Tomorrow Jen has the day off and we are going to the Capital to a Rally in support of the Farmer where we get all our RAW milk, grass-fed beef and other products. It should be somewhat fun and entertaining for the kids if nothing else. The FDA has raided his farm and is trying to shut down our Co-Op. Crazy in my opinion…I know a lot of people have opinions about RAW milk, but my take on it is that it all boils down to ‘freedom of choice’!
If you don’t want to drink RAW milk then don’t, but if I wish to, then don’t stop me! It’s my right and choice.
Anyway, today was busy, stressful and the weather sucked! I had tons of school work, as did Jen and I just finished up mine…she is still in there working on hers! So, long day and night…
Took pictures today and not much change, seems this week has been a real struggle overall. I’m not sure why, we had some Awesome workouts and cardio, but just didn’t seem to culminate to the happy ending I had thought it would! Anyway, a friend reminded me that this is NOT just for 12 weeks and that this is for LIFE…so I need to get out of that race mentality and ‘just relax’  ; )))) I’m trying : )
So today, No workouts or cardio today even though I had planned on doing some cardio! I know tomorrow will be busy as well, but I PROMISE I will be making time to work out cause if I don’t work out I’m not a happy camper and if Daddy isn’t happy…well, doesn’t make for a happy house!
Till tomorrow, be blessed!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 17...'Fight Gone Bad'

Great day today; went to Ft. Belvoir in Virginia, where we’ll be moving in the near future, to look around and visit. It will be nice to actually live on a post instead of where we do now! It looks really nice and the new hospital is HUGE! We will also be getting a 5 bedroom house so that will be a long time coming and such a blessing!!! We had 2 kids when we moved here and into our small 3 bedroom apartment…now we have 4 and have absolutely NO space left!!!
Its way more ‘country’ also…we are not city folk and will be very happy to be leaving D.C.
So, this morning we decided to do a Crossfit WOD and a benchmark one at that…we tackled Fight Gone Bad which is… Three rounds of: Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps), Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75, pounds (Reps), Box Jump, 20" box (Reps), Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps), Row (Calories)  (In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute of work. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.)
Our Rep's were: Jen- 195   Joshua- 258     Rob- 283
It was quite intense and I literally almost threw-up afterwards…I think we all did!  Jen and Joshua scaled to 45lbs for the lifts and an 8lb ball for the wall ball. I did RX’d
Our plan yesterday worked as well. We both dropped a pound each this morning…WoooHooo!  I do wonder though how much more weight I’ll actually lose. I know I still have body fat that needs to be burned, but I’ve gained muscle and have leaned out quite a bit already! Jen is leaning out as well, but I think she has a bit more ‘actual weight’ she’ll be losing. she has and is firming up real nicely though : )))
Either way, we are super stoked and thrilled with our results thus far! We will take progress pictures again tomorrow or Monday. Got to go catch up on school now so till next time…
Keep working hard!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 16...still working hard

 Today turned out to be another great day. Sorta cloudy and dreary outside, but didn’t get me down : ) We had a great dinner and decided to workout after we ate instead of before. The last two days we have stayed pretty much the same weight and I think a lot of it has to do with us eating so late, so we changed it up a bit tonight and we’ll see how it goes in the morning. We always weigh ourselves first thing in the morning and have been steadily dropping up until the last two days.
Otherwise all is well…lot’s of plans this weekend so we’ll be busy and our favorite farmers market opens back up Sunday so hopefully the rain will hold off.
Many blessings!

Day 14 and 15...missing post, hmmmm

Well, seems ‘blogger’ finally fixed their issues although my last post is still missing! Anyway, I’m going to post my post for yesterday and leave it at that.
So today turned out to be a beautiful day after all!  Jen and I were back in love and on good terms by morning (as I predicted) and the children were rather well behaved most of the day : )
We took today as a rest day and one well needed. I did practice some Olympic lifts and handstands, but nothing to strenuous. I just can’t DO Nothing… Anyway, feel rested and look forward to tomorrow and another GREAT workout. Yesterday made two weeks into our BFL challenge and we ARE doing this…after sooooooo many trials and errors we are finally sticking to the plan and making it happen!
Thanks for all the help, motivation and support and to two new friends ‘Legs’ and ‘Tia’! 
This is OUR year!!!
Much success and many blessings!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 14...All part of life...

Today went pretty good…got a little stressed tonight, but that’s life. Whoever said marriage was easy…lied! I hate when Jen and I argue and usually it over something so stupid! Anyway, it causes major stress throughout the whole house when we do. I know things will be better by morning, but right now…I’m just glad I’m not drinking…my normal coping skill! I’m going to take a hot bath, relax and read a bit.
Did some cardio today and will probably rest tomorrow, we’ve been hitting it hard all week. That could actually be part of the problem; we are both pretty physically exhausted! LIFE…it happens and we must continue to stay the course.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Great workout today and finished yesterday’s final for school on time so it was a stress free day : ) Had a awesome workout when Jen got home and Joshua and I have been kicking butt learning to do handstands and handstand pushups!
The kids are great and Harvest sugar readings have been really stable, soooo LIFE IS GOOD!!!
I am so blessed and thank God for every moment of happiness!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 12...great day in Smithville

 Last weeks white board:

Another wonderful day had by the entire Smith’s today! School is going well and got a great run in as well! Grilled out some of our new grass-fed steak for dinner and it was delicious.
Rested from strength training and just did a run…well needed rest as my body is aching!!!
Off to sleep now.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 11 Happy Mothers Day

So today was such a wonderful day…We took Jennifer out to one of her favorite restaurants, Silver Diner! We had a wonderful, ‘Healthy’ meal and then came home and did a GREAT workout! It was a Great day all around!
I truly am blessed to have such a wonderful wife and friend. She is the best Mother in the world to our children and has given so much of herself for our family! She deserves ALL and Complete happiness!!!
                                     ~Jennifer and Harvest~


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 10...A beautiful Day

What a wonderful and blessed day today was! Woke up early, the sun was shining ALlll day and not too hot or cold…perfect! I had a workout at Crossfit Montgomery County scheduled (thanks to my beautiful wife) and it was really nice. The workout was incredibly intense, but I truly enjoyed the atmosphere and meeting new people! Afterwards we took a beautiful drive up to a farm we found that sells grass-fed beef! It’s called Hedgeapple Farm and the drive was amazing…looks like it used to be an old farming town and the houses are right along a river and is just beautiful scenery. We bought some ground beef, steaks, liver and A huge ROAST!
We got home and Jen did her workout and we grilled out hamburgers…they were oh so good! We even splurged and ate them on Whole grain buns : ) It was really a nice evening and the food not too unhealthy at all.
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and I think Jen wants to go to our favorite local restaurant that serves organic, local food. Sounds like a nice day will be had tomorrow as well

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 9...Rest Day

Today was rest day and I always struggle with ‘rest’ day…I keep wanting to pick up some weights or jump on the treadmill and run, but I didn’t do too much. I worked on handstand pushups and tried working on power snatch and thrusters a little, but nothing to extreme!
Otherwise, today has been really nice…I actually got plenty of rest last night and felt GREAT! The weather was warm, but not hot and the sun was shining bright. We did have a little bit of a storm during dinner, but the rain was nice. Tomorrow I actually have an appointment at a Crossfit box! Jen bought me 8 workouts from ‘Living Social’ and so I’m going to use one tomorrow. 
Feel stuffed and definitely ate WAY too much tonight  : ) But, it is rest day…

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 8...sleepy

Wow, today was a bit stressful… got little to no sleep and so didn’t get up early and get school completed so stressed on that all day! Other than being a bit tired, ended up having a great workout and even did some light cardio this morning t help take the edge off : )
HOPEFULLY…I’ll sleep much better tonight and all will be well tomorrow!
Todays workout was…
Warm up 10 Thrusters, 45 lbs, 10 OH Squats, 45 lbs, 10 Back Extensions, 50 sit-ups
WOD/ 5 rounds for time of 10 deadlifts/ 10 jump box/ 15 kettle bell swings   Joshua-8:47.9  Jen-13:15.4  Rob- 10.9.5   (Joshua and Jen75lb deadlifts 27lb kettle bell 20in jump box)  (Rob 135lb deadlifts 1 pood kettle bell and 24in jump box)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 7...Week ONE down, 11 more to go...

Well, week one has come and gone and it was an awesome week! We had a great workout today as well!!! Today we did Squats and I’m sure I’ll be feeling it tomorrow!
Anyway, this has been an amazing week and I’m really excited about the changes a coming : )
Off to bed…
Be blessed!
Got in our order of EAS shakes and protein powder!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 6...Beautiful Day

Today was another great day…the weather was terrific! I managed to get up early and get started on school so I wasn’t too stressed out over it : ) I also ran 5.5+ miles on the treadmill before my first meal! The kids and I rode our bikes to the park this afternoon and had a blast playing baseball and running around.
Jen ran 4 miles on the treadmill when she got home and we had a nice dinner. So far so good…I really feel like this is our year…THIS is the challenge that we finally are going to successfully finish!!! I’m so excited and our relationship has taken a major turn for the better…things seem to be normal again! THANK GOD!!!  
Each day I wake up and thank of all the cool exercises we can do and we are having so much fun planning outdoor activities for us and the kids!
So blessed!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 5...Fun in the sun!

Today was AWESOME!!!
Did a 5K run this afternoon on the treadmill and then a workout after Jen got home! School starts back tomorrow, but I’m going to try and start getting up earlier in the morning so I can get most of it completed before the kids wake…this will really help with distressing our life’s!
Other than that the challenge is going well…had a bit of an issue with one of my older daughter’s mom, but the situation is really out of my hand so not much use in worrying about it…All I can do is pray that it all works out! I can’t change the way other people feel! I’m not going to stress over it!!!
Time to eat…we’re having a late supper due to a late bike ride with the kids!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 4...Rest Day

Today we took our first ‘official’ rest day…still ate really clean and low carb, but nothing off ‘the plan!’  Last night we ate a little off the plan while we watched the fight…we had homemade taco’s but we used grass-fed skirt steak, organic lettuce and tomatoes and also had some Mary’s crackers with feta spread/dip along with some non-GMO corn tortillas, chips and salsa! Mostly healthy and REALLY, REALLY tasty!!!
Today we are right back on it, but decided to rest from all the cardio and workouts…super sore!  We did take the kids on a bike ride for about an hour before it started raining…
Getting ready for a nice dinner of baked free-range chicken, organic asparagus and organic broccoli salad! Tomorrow starts back another week and I also start back to school after a three week break : (((  Jen, I and the kid’s are doing GREAT!!!
Be Blessed!