Sunday, February 20, 2011

New Beginnings

Wow, the last few days have been rough to say the least. I got sick…stress, stress and more stress seems to have been piled on top of our already stressed out life. Decided to just step back, make a list of MUST do’s and try and de-stress our lives. We are NEVER going to be able to complete a successful BFL challenge if we keep trying to force it in with all our stresses and busy schedules without being mentally ready!
We’ve taken a break the last few days and have been really studying the effects of RAW diets, the Paleo diet, as well as the Thrive diet. We have also realized that without adequate sleep NONE of the healthy choices we have been making will make much difference…SOooooo, we are once again planning on re-starting our BFL challenge and this time actually planning ahead!
WE stoked up today on TONS of RAW fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds and nuts…then we had one last hurrah meal at our favorite restaurant and took our starting pictures for this challenge! This time we R readywe have a plan in place, plenty of healthy food choices and determination!!! Jen’s elbow is still weeks if not months out from being better to the place of actually working out, but we’ve been in contact with some people who are helping with advice and we feel confident that she can have a successful challenge and wonderful transformation even under the current elbow situation!
So, yeah call us crazy, but when sometime in January-February of next year they announce Rob and Jen Smith as the 2011 Body-for-Life Challenge couples champions we can all look back to this day and thank God that we didn’t give up or let the criticism keep us down!
Life is hard and our life seems especially hard right now with Harvest, our 6 year old with Type 1 diabetes…trying to find a way to minimize her need for intravenous insulin injections, if not heal her, through proper nutrition. I’ve struggled and continue to struggle with alcohol and trying to NOT drink while on a challenge and Jen’s elbow issue. Stress and lack of sleep seem to keep kicking our butts!!! Well, we will NOT give up or quit! We have to change and ARE changing…this IS and has already become a lifestyle for us…we just need to be more consistent andddd as for the challenge and re-start…I look at this BFL challenge as a job, an opportunity for me to help provide for my family financially and along the way for my wife and myself to become closer and healthier than ever! Our kids have already embraced the healthy, fit lifestyle and these challenges will only further our healthy life and fit dreams!

I have to learn to RELAX and not be such a perfectionist! I have to realize that there may...just may not be such a thing as a 100% perfect challenge : ) Either way, I'm learning and the journey is really what its all about anyways, huh?
Tomorrow is Day 1…here we GOOoooooooo
God bless to all those who are reaching for their dreams and REFUSE to let life hold you back!
Keep reaching for the stars!

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